Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on Nietszche and Self Creation - 753 Words

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centurys, the Enlightenment was a term designated to the increasing amount of scientificic discoverys debunking religious theology. With humanitys loss of their once certified objectivity, the individual and his society sunk into the chaotic realm of insecurity revealing the seeds of a postmodern world. The German philosopher Nietzsche, deeming God is dead, saw the collapse of these collective truths of objectivity, showing the meaningless of the universe. Hence he located meaning and truth to be relative to the individual with his ability to surpass his chaotic existence through the will to power. In Nietszchean philosophy there is no absolute selfhood or archetypal basis in life. Though the†¦show more content†¦The value of the Ubersmensh is not the acceptance of the sanctity of life, but rather the embracement of life regardless of its value. It is an embracement of the totality of emotional experience and rationalistic impulses, a realization of mortality and living fully unto that demise. The Ubersmensh is not an ideal, virtue or objective but, rather an individuals own discovery and creation from himself in his experience; not a role model but a creation of yourself as your own. The embracement of life is not the only valuable notion of the Ubersmensh, as an artist his profound flux of vision and individuality helps generate the wills of others, helping them to recognize their own potential to be the God they see. In his art, or art itself, they see their own life and the vast and incomprehensible life of the Ubersmensch. It is only to often when an eye or ear da rts past what theyve heard or saw in confusion, giving no thought to its greater depth but merely their own superficial label, e.g. the many unconscious Marilyn Manson protesters. An Ubermensh is art itself, a creation from their own experiences. The ambiguousness of art, expressed by an Ubersmensh, shows the complex individuality and vastness of the experience these Ubersmesnch live in. By seeing art thus, it allows us to reflect on the smallness of our own lives, and if the world we adhere to is any near the vastness of what they have

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